Paper & Case Presentation - Colosseum
Fri, Oct 14
Colosseum is an opportunity to present your original research articles / posters to eminent research faculty and like-minded researchers for critique and peer review.

Time & Location
Oct 14, 2022, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM GMT+5:30
Coimbatore, Off, Avinashi Rd, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641004, India
About the event
Paper and Case Presentation - Colosseum
“One sometimes finds what one is not looking for. But I suppose that was exactly what I did.”
— Alexander Fleming
Colosseum is an opportunity to present your original research articles / posters / cases to eminent research faculty and like-minded researchers for critique and peer review. Participants get to visualise the scope of research being undertaken currently in various fields of medicine, review articles from other researchers and participate in feedback.
Grab your research data and amp yourself up to show the rest of us what you’ve discovered!
Open to all students!
Win cash prizes worth up to Rs.9000!
Step 1: Registration
Abstracts of only registered delegates will be sent for grading to judges. Please do register via our registration services before sending in your entries.
Step 2: Abstract submission
- Only original research articles / cases will only be accepted.
- Abstracts should be submitted in .doc or .docx format only.
- Last date of submission: 27th September, 2022 (till 11:50pm).
- Entries to be submitted via Google forms sent on the mail id.
Format of abstract:
- Title (not more than 25 words)
- Author names
- Contact details (name of institution, year of study, phone number, email ID)
- Title (not more than 25 words)
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusion
- Word limit: 300 words maximum (includes title, introduction, objectives, methodology, results and conclusion)
Step 3: Oral presentation or E- Poster submission
- Oral or e-poster or case presentation abstracts will be screened by the judges. Selected entries will be asked to present their papers.
- Other deserving abstracts will be selected for e-poster presentation
- An email intimating the acceptance of the abstract will be sent to the participant
- The rules of oral or e-poster preparation will be mentioned in the acceptance mail
Registration fee - Rs.300
Last date for Registration & Submission - September 27th
Rahul - 9952288772
Abijith - 9150770496
Registration fee
₹300.00+₹7.50 service feeSale ended